At Nidana Wellness, our mission is to detect the root cause of suboptimal health conditions and provide solutions to improving health and performance.

We have a step-by-step process to guide clients through our unique Nidana Method to optimize their health.

Benefits of Frequency Bio-Analysis, Oxygen, and Hydrogen

Biofeedback is a form of therapy used in holistic or complementary medicine. It is a non-invasive therapy to improve overall health and performance. It is suitable for children and babies as well as sensitive adults.

​Bio-Analysis and frequency therapy are beneficial for almost any condition and are used to detect root causes of disease or dysfunction. With the Nidana Method, the underlying causes of chronic and degenerative diseases can be dealt with by treating many forms of stress factors that can cause aches and pains, fatigue, digestive issues, constipation, and even skin blemishes, or just a general feeling of being unwell.

Frequency Bio-Analysis

Fine-tune the autonomic nervous system and immune response mechanisms to target pathogens and parasites

Eradicate viruses, parasites, and harmful bacteria

Decrease and eliminate pain, insomnia, stress, and depression

Increase cellular, glandular, and organ function

Benefits of Ozone

Strengthens Immune System

Pain Relief and Less Inflammation

Improved Joint Mobility

Improved Blood Circulation

Antifungal, Antibacterial, and Antiviral Properties

Supports Cell Function

Brain Function Benefits

Wound Healing

Weight Loss and Detoxing Effects

Anti-aging Benefits

Benefits of Cellular Optimization

Balance antioxidants at the cellular level

Enhance better skin health and tone

Improves allergies and asthma conditions.

Revive vital organ performance

Restore energy levels, less body fatigue, faster recovery

Eases autoimmune diseases affecting your joints or skin

Augment athletic performance, healthy weight management

Rejuvenate overall cellular health

Neuroprotective effects on the brain

Lydia Holt

Lydia was suffering from extreme fatigue among other symptoms. Here she shares how for the first time in years she can actually clean her home and still has enough energy to visit with friends.

Melva Adams

Melva shares how the Nidana Method literally changed her life and has brought relief throughout the whole family dynamic as they were all able to embark on a healing journey.

Eliminating parasites and regaining a normal life

Kate Cameron Podcast

Audio (En Espanol) from Mary Elid describing her session and how she feels like a completely new person

Audio from Eve McDermid regarding her daughter of 2 years old sleeping through the night for the first time.

Contact us.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a health and wellness business. Maybe you want to begin your healing journey. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world and feel our transformational detox retreat is a way to reconnect with your soul. Whatever it is, we are here to help!

"This technology is incredible. You can safely and effectively find out how to heal and detox your system. Not only does the Nidana Optimizer device let you know what is in your system that needs to be looked at, but Nidana Wellness also offer practical and strategized therapies and protocols to deal with any health issues that may come up. I would highly recommend that everyone goes at least once to get a Nidana diagnostic and begin the therapies involved! "



How is the device capable of detecting pathogens?

Every organ, gland, pathology, emotion, and microorganism has a specific frequency signature. A baseline frequency from perfectly healthy tissue has been cataloged over many decades of research. Therefore, making it possible to measure the difference in unhealthy tissue and the concentration of factors such as pathogens, parasites, and emotions that are creating stress and congestion.

How long does it take to improve a health condition?

On average most clients notice results within 2 weeks to a month, but will need to continue to detox and participate in the many therapies, modalities, and lifestyle changes for several months for best results!

How long does a session last?

On average most sessions last 1.5 hours, initially. Follow-up sessions take 30 minutes. Of course, when booking a healing retreat clients are experiencing services all day every day for a week to 4 week period.

Let us help you find care that's right for you.